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Can I Trade In A Car With A Blown Engine?

Can I Trade In A Car With A Blown Engine?

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Sure. If you find a car dealer who can find value in broken-down cars, it may be possible to trade in your car with a blown engine. Thats the simple answer. Unfortunately, the real answer to Can I trade in a car with a blown engine is more complicated.

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What Engine Problems Could You Have?

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If the engine is the heart of a car, a blown engine is the equivalent of a heart attack. When a car has a blown engine, that means its engine has suffered catastrophic internal mechanical damage.

An engine doesnt really blow up (usually). It does, however, suffer various afflictions: there can be smoke, steam, and fire on occasion.

  1. Valve Punching Through the Top of a Piston
  2. Broken Connecting Rod
  3. Complete Engine Oil Depletion
  4. Depleted Coolant

A valve breaking and punching through a piston will lead to incredibly hot, pressurized oil and blue smoke to shoot out of the top of the engine. Plus, your car will stop running without a working engine.

A broken connecting rod isnt much better. The connecting rod is the part that connects the piston to the crankshaft. Because the other pistons might be connected and working, the crankshaft will keep spinning at thousands of rotations per minute, jamming the broken piston rod through the wall of the engine block. Czytaj więcej